Sonder Hospice

Physicians Support Starting Hospice Early

Despite the common misconception that hospice care is only for those nearing the end of their life, it can greatly benefit individuals facing advanced illness. Not only does hospice provide comfort and support for the patient, but it also supplies durable medical equipment not typically covered by other healthcare plans. And even if a physician determines eligibility based on a six-month projected life span, hospice care can be renewed every two months as long as the patient is still in the end-stage of their illness. Hospice care is not just for the dying, it is for the living and can greatly improve quality of life for those facing advanced illness.

From a physician’s perspective, it is important to understand the options available for patients and how hospice care can be a valuable resource. By providing comprehensive end-of-life care and support for both the patient and their loved ones, hospice allows individuals to live out their remaining days in comfort and dignity. It is also important to remember that choosing hospice care does not mean giving up hope for a cure; it simply means focusing on quality of life and comfort rather than aggressive medical treatment. Ultimately, the decision to use the hospice benefit lies with the patient and their loved ones. It is the physician’s job to provide information and support for whichever choice they make. By understanding all options and having open communication with the patient and their family, we can ensure that every individual receives the care they desire and deserve.