Sonder Hospice

Palliative Care

Pain Management in Hospice: Best Practices from Sonder Hospice

Pain Management in Hospice: Best Practices from Sonder Hospice At Sonder Hospice, we understand the profound importance of effectively managing pain for our patients. Pain management is a cornerstone of our holistic approach to hospice care, ensuring that patients can spend their final days in comfort and dignity. In this blog post, we will explore …

Pain Management in Hospice: Best Practices from Sonder Hospice Read More »

Wound Care Management for Hospice Patients

It is vital that hospice clinicians have the knowledge and skills to provide effective wound care management for their patients. Sonder focuses on two key strategies for managing wounds for our hospice patients: prevention and treatment.  Prevention Strategies  Preventing wounds from occurring or worsening in hospice patients can help reduce pain, promote healing, and improve …

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How Sonder Hospice Helps Advanced Dementia

While hospice care is often thought of as end-of-life care for terminal illnesses, the services offered by hospice can also greatly benefit those with advanced dementia. Hospice teams provide expert support in managing symptoms and complications related to the disease, including eating and swallowing difficulties or infections. In addition, they offer emotional and spiritual support …

How Sonder Hospice Helps Advanced Dementia Read More »

Hospice Is a Solution for Assisted Living Residents

Hospice care allows residents in assisted living facilities to receive specialized medical, emotional, and spiritual support for advanced illnesses or end-of-life circumstances. In fact, many Assisted Living Communities require residents with advanced illness or nearing the end of life to be discharged to higher levels of care. Hospice can provide this level of care within …

Hospice Is a Solution for Assisted Living Residents Read More »

The Benefits of Hospice in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

Working with Sonder, nursing facilities can experience improved quality of care for their residents and better overall performance. Our clinical expertise and knowledge of regulations allow us to seamlessly integrate hospice services into the facility environment. Our individualized care plans and regular team visits ensure that each resident receives the proper medication, supplies, and durable …

The Benefits of Hospice in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Read More »

What are the Differences between Palliative and Hospice Care?

Palliative care and hospice care are often confused because they both provide comfort and relief from pain and symptoms. However, there are some key differences between the two services that you should be aware of. Palliative care is provided alongside curative treatment, while hospice care is given to patients who have decided against further treatment …

What are the Differences between Palliative and Hospice Care? Read More »